Did a reconciliation on a year of transactions
We have a customer who did not do their bank reconciliation for a year. At year end, they were cramming to produce their bank reconciliation for the external auditors. The external auditor will not sign on the audit report, unless the Company can reconcile the general account. The Finance Manager was looking for some easy and quick way to reconcile their general account. So, we recommended to him the following: 1) to download from their general ledger the whole year transactions of the bank account to be reconciled. 2) Next, they dowloaded from their bank the last six months of bank transactions, the other six months they copied to Excel from the actual bank statements. 3) Using EzyRecon, we processed and reconciled the whole year of transactions- the whole processing took less than two minutes. Actually, the Finance Officer gave the two files to us to use and took a coffee break. When he returned, he was amazed that it was done. You are done?, is the first question that ca...